Hard to believe it's been over a year since I posted about my new bike build - Edwin Cycles 29er SS. But this was in the shop getting assembled the same time I was in the hospital getting my elbow assembled after the crash, so a long summer off the bike, eased back into some CX grass trail (no singletrack) last fall, then a winter and wet spring of trainer/road/trainer/road/road and finally, FINALLY!!! - I got to take the Edwin out this morning for its virgin trail ride.
My buddy Joe and I saw a window of opportunity in the busy schedules and between rains. Alarms set for 4:30am - on the trail by 5:30! No better way to welcome the day! We hit Landahl Park at first light - could have used a light but decided to go on instinct and roll the less-technical Will's Wanderer trail to warm up as the day brightened. Right off the bat, the bike felt great. Light True Temper OX Platinum, smoother in the rear (as opposed to my previous AL frame) and the White Bros Magic fork helped absorb some of the stress on the elbow. I hate to use the cliché, but "everything felt in the right place". I love the way this bike looks and feels. Last night I finally took the time to apply the script logo I designed for Doug (Edwin)... careful alignment then just COMMIT. The green against the patina is simple and elegant. Kinda cool seeing my work on a bike I own, too! Forgot how good GOOD steel rode. Awesome bike, Doug!!! Hope to have many more years and dirt miles on this thing - even if I have to get up with the roosters to sneak in a ride before work.
Ride yer bike!