Need to be a little better @ blog maintenance! Mostly it's just been busy and cold and cold. Finally got out on the wet roads yesterday for 25mi. Trainer time has kept me feeling somewhat ready for race season, so the pavement felt easy, but I know I need to work on sprints more if I want to prepare for the early Spring crits. Officially joined the Bicycle Shack Racing squad so I'll be sporting the blue & green for 2010. Most of the fast Tuesday & Saturday group rides done with these guys in the past assures me that I'm in with the right group if I want to get better. Faster.
Speaking of blog maintaining, I need to do the same for my road bikes. Esp getting my old Santa Cruz Roadster tuned up as a good backup for the season in case the BMC goes down.
Anxious to see where I can take my fitness level if I seriously devote the effort. Right now it's obviously not into this site!
Enjoy your ride!